Saturday, February 21, 2009

Journaling Prompt-What I've been watching

Let's Write About...have you seen any good movies lately?
How about TV shows you love to watch...
I've actually watched a few movies lately. DH and I watched a Jackie Chan movie on Valentine's Day. I think it was called Forbidden Kingdom or something like that. Initially I was disappointed that we couldn't agree on anything more romantic but I'm glad we got it. It was a really good movie. I love kid's movies too. We watched Kungfu Panda and Wall E a couple of weeks ago and I absolutely loved them. Especially Wall E. I'm thinking about buying it for the kids eventually. I love the teachings in it. The next movie I want to watch is The Colour of Magic. It's based of the Terry Pratchet book by the same name. I used to be a huge Terry Pratchet fan. Favourite TV shows at the moment include NCIS, Law and Order, Lie to Me, Better Homes and Gardens, Wipe Out and Myth Busters.
Luv and Hugs
God Bless

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